What they say about working with me

Shannon Tan,
Engineer Manager @ Airbnb

“Working with Nono as a coach has been such a supportive and rewarding experience. She cares about and encourages the best in people, she takes time to deeply understand your goals, and her empathetic and nonjudgmental approach has also made me more thoughtful as a leader. We cover a wide range of management topics, and her actionable strategies have helped me set short-term improvements and long-term strategies for my team’s work as well as helping reflect on and refine my own working style. Nono has helped me be more thoughtful about my career, set new goals, and broaden my perspective. I appreciate her ways of challenging me and encouraging me to grow, and I’m happy and appreciative of the work we do together. I recommend her coaching to anyone looking to elevate their leadership.”

Qiulu (Cho) Gong, Engineering Manager @ Chime

“I had the privilege of working with Nono for a few months during a critical transition in my career, moving from an IC role to an engineering manager position. This transition could have been daunting, but Nono provided the guidance, support, and insights that made the process smooth and successful.

One of the most impactful aspects of our coaching sessions was Nono’s understanding of the unique challenges faced by women leaders. She was incredibly encouraging, helping me build confidence in my new role while also offering constructive, actionable feedback that I could apply immediately. Her approach was always tailored to my specific needs, focusing on areas like communication, team dynamics, and relationship building, which were crucial for my new role.

What I appreciated most was Nono’s ability to listen and offer advice that was both practical and empowering. She helped me develop my leadership style and navigate the complexities of transitioning from a peer to the manager of the team. 

I highly recommend Nono to anyone looking for a career coach, especially those navigating significant career transitions or facing the challenges unique to women in leadership. Her expertise, dedication, and personalized coaching have made a profound impact on my career.”

Daisy Yu,
Staff Software Engineer @ Airbnb

“I had the privilege of reporting to Nono as a senior engineer at Airbnb. She cultivated an empathetic culture within the team, making me feel truly included and comfortable seeking her help. Even after a reorganization where I no longer reported to her directly, I continued to seek her mentorship and guidance. Navigating the corporate world comes with its challenges, and there were moments when I considered giving up. However, Nono always pulled me back on track with concrete actions, which ultimately led to my promotion.
Nono's coaching style is powerful because she listens with empathy and shares her own relevant experiences. This approach provided me with the confidence that if she could overcome similar challenges, perhaps I could too.”

Bhavana Ramachandra, Staff Engineer @ Yelp

“Nono is an exceptional coach who leads with empathy. She has an uncanny way of identifying my struggles, even if not yet apparent to me, and shares actionable next steps to overcome them. Her experience and advise have helped me tackle many ambiguous situations at work. She instilled confidence and positivity in every conversation we've had. I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to build leadership skills and/or career path.”

Bharathi Ravishanker, Engineering Manager @ Box

“I was introduced to Nono when I started my role as a new manager, and I was struggling to grasp the expectations of my position. I told her “I dont know what I dont know”. Nono has been exceptionally supportive in helping me find my footing in my new role. Her guidance is characterized by empathy; she quickly understands your perspective and provides clear, actionable suggestions to address the challenges at hand. Throughout our various sessions, we have discussed a wide range of management topics, including 1:1 meetings, team collaboration, conflict resolution, and effectively managing up. Nono's mentorship has consistently been crisp, contextual, and highly relevant.

I've thoroughly enjoyed working with Nono and eagerly anticipated each session.”

Rebecca Eastman, Director of Human Resources

“I recently had the privilege of working with Nono during a months-long coaching engagement. It was a truly supportive and empowering experience that helped me during a time of transition in my life.

Nono is a true professional who deeply cares about her clients' growth and well-being. Nono took the time to understand my unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. She tailored the coaching sessions to address my specific needs, making me feel heard and valued. Throughout our sessions, Nono created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to open up and explore my thoughts and feelings. Her empathetic approach made me feel comfortable discussing even the most challenging topics. She helped me set clear goals and held me accountable for my actions. This level of accountability was crucial in achieving tangible results during our coaching journey.

Working with Nono has been a wonderful experience that exceeded my expectations. I've gained valuable skills, self-awareness, and confidence, and I'm incredibly grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life. If you're looking for a coach who is knowledgeable, empathetic, and results-oriented, I wholeheartedly recommend Nono.”

Andrew Young, Engineering Manager @ Procore

“I recently had the privilege of working with Nono during a months-long coaching engagement. It was a truly supportive and empowering experience that helped me during a time of transition in my life.

Nono is a true professional who deeply cares about her clients' growth and well-being. Nono took the time to understand my unique goals, challenges, and aspirations. She tailored the coaching sessions to address my specific needs, making me feel heard and valued. Throughout our sessions, Nono created a safe and non-judgmental space for me to open up and explore my thoughts and feelings. Her empathetic approach made me feel comfortable discussing even the most challenging topics. She helped me set clear goals and held me accountable for my actions. This level of accountability was crucial in achieving tangible results during our coaching journey.

Working with Nono has been a wonderful experience that exceeded my expectations. I've gained valuable skills, self-awareness, and confidence, and I'm incredibly grateful for the positive impact she has had on my life. If you're looking for a coach who is knowledgeable, empathetic, and results-oriented, I wholeheartedly recommend Nono.”

Judy Lu,
Senior Software Engineer @ Procore

“Thank you once again for the feedback and guidance you provided me. The suggestions and questions helps me a lot. It gives me a lot to think about. Asking candid questions help me be more conscious of what I am thinking to myself and I really do appreciate it. It might not be fun to self reflect but it does give me some peace to know myself better and what I want out of what I do at my job. I will let myself think more about the future and it might require me to think a little of the past and what I wanted to do.

I greatly appreciated the mentorship and coaching we had Nono.”

Abigail Hochberger, Thoughtful Problem Solver

“Working with Nono was such a beneficial partnership to my overall development. She provided a safe space in which I was able to fully express and reach into the deepest parts of myself unencumbered by shame or fear. I always felt that Nono utilized her natural gift of intuition to bring clarity, while also validating and supporting me in my goals. I

am a better version of myself today because of Nono and I am forever grateful to her expert coaching.”

Chenille Lawrence, Technical Program Management Intern @ Google

“Nono was instrumental in helping me overcome my fear of technical interviews. She helped me build my confidence in the process by facilitating mock interviews and giving me valuable feedback on what I was doing right and also what needed to be fixed.She was also extremely understanding and reassuring and used her own technical interview experiences to show me that interviews should not be feared, but instead are just apart of the process.

With these tools, I went on to land a Technical Program Management internship at Google.”